Wednesday, February 11, 2009

1 Corinthians 12:27
“Now you are the Body of Christ,
and each of you is a part of it”

This has been on my heart a lot lately and I felt I needed to share it.

I hear the song If We Are the Body by Casting Crowns and often break down in tears, regardless of where I am or who I’m with. I’ve heard that song at least a hundred times and I still find myself sobbing like a two year old. No, I’m not overemotional. Yes, I’m crying over a song. But no, it’s not really ME that’s crying. It’s not. And it’s not just tears! My heart literally feels as though it’s breaking in half! It hurts to just breathe! Why? Why am I crying over a song? Because I feel the pain. The pain of every lonely, broken, stranded, confused, hopeless, helpless, depressed person. And you should, too. Because YOU have hope.

First, I would like to share an incident I witnessed recently. I sat in a hospital emergency room this past weekend and a little old man hobbled in, quite honestly resembling the letter “s”. He looked like he was in enormous pain and I could see he was trying not to cry. My heart was heavy with emotion, I wanted to reach out a hand and pray for him. Before I even had the words to mind, a woman next to me started tsking. Shaking her head, and using her eyes to show just how disgusted she was. She insulted him repeatedly, loud enough that I’m sure he heard. I made sure to say he looked like he hurt loudly enough, but in a room full of people I was the only one that was horrified enough to feel compassion. Not even the nurses showed an ounce of sympathy. As I sat there, I began to liken it to another scenario that has been REPEATEDLY happening in my own life.

I’ve had the ‘pleasure’ of experiencing the pain of being a displaced, lonely person. I’ve witnessed the cruelty and the abandonment that we, the CHURCH impress upon the people that walk in its doors. Do you know that I’ve attended the same church for nearly nine months now? I have yet to be introduced to someone. I have gotten out of my seat, convincing myself it was ME; and shaken someone’s hand. I have initiated conversations; I have smiled thousands of times. I have worshiped at that altar; I have raised my hands with the rest of them. I have even attended a small Sunday school class of maybe eight people, and not ONE bothered to say hello.

I’m not the only one. I’ve witnessed many other people, mainly women sitting alone; being left to ‘fend for themselves’. It’s not as though they don’t try in the essence that we as humans convince ourselves we’re making an effort! They’ve left cookies on my doorstep and called my house to say they have programs and classes and blahblahblah. But to me it is clear that these are human actions with human influences and ‘responsibility’ not a Christ compelled response and need to reach out. Human actions? Human response? It’s the same as the hospital room! The nurses asked the same, basic questions! They gave him the same treatment they give everyone else! Not once did a light turn on saying this man needs someone to recognize his agony! It’s the same with me, NOT ONCE did the CHURCH recognize that I was hurting. Even when I put my FULL name and phone number on a prayer card asking for someone to call.

How dare we? How DARE we as the BODY of CHRIST?
I ask you this, how often do you think something you’ve done or not done, said or not said, heard but not listened to; has caused someone to fall away from the body of Christ? Away from the hope that is Jesus? Even still, how often have you gone through the motions, said the “right” thing, and yet not allowed the Hope shine through?

I feel it strengthening more every day. God is starting to hurt more and more for his people. For the world. It needs to change. WE need to change. WE need to be Christ to the world! WE DO NOT SAVE OURSELVES, HOW SHOULD WE EXPECT OTHERS TO?

I know what you’re thinking. I’m just me. Look at me. And you even know what I’m going to say next, you’re bracing yourself to pretend you didn’t hear me! SO?! We are ALL just human! Christ didn’t leave the sacrifice up to us, that was His mission. But we are sent. Look at John. John the Baptist was not divine; he was not the son of God. He was a human. A HUMAN LIKE YOU.

He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. (John 1:7)

What does it say? He was a witness! All might believe? Because he witnessed! Still not convinced you need to make a move? Read Romans 10:17.
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.”

Who’s going to speak the word? Believing only happens through a witness. There is no other way. That’s how necessary it is. We, the Body of Christ, need to embrace the destiny that we now hold. We need to be witnesses and bear witness to the light, the hope that is our salvation and the only solid ground we have to stand on.

What are your words/actions/facial expressions showing today? Pray God brings people into your life that need you today. Pray that every morning. Step up when you feel a nudge. Don’t hide because you’re embarrassed or it’s bad timing.

This isn't just a word for my church, or for the people in my local community! This is a word for every church, and by church I mean every single person that is counted as being in the Body of Christ! God is reaching out to His people and begging them to heal the hurting! I say hello to so many people, I ask how they’re doing. Sometimes I'll just smile. But I’m sincere and it's not just me smiling, beckoning. Because I don’t know what their home life is like, I don’t know what condition their heart is in, I just know that GOD IS SEEKING THEM OUT and HURTING FOR THEM. Please, being unimportant to the rest of the world is hard enough. We need to be the value and worth that builds them up. Starting now. Starting YESTERDAY! Go!

…….And you will be my witnesses (Acts 1:8)