Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I just opened an email that had the "love tarot card" of the day. While I know God is greater than a deck of cards, I almost feel as though He's speaking to me via the words that were listed. This is what I read this morning:

The Five of Chalices card reversed suggests that there is a chance that you're not being honest with yourself. It's time you dealt with unresolved issues, deep fears or unfinished business, which, like a silent undercurrent or an unbridged gap in your heart, could be affecting intimacy in your relationship or love life. Staying busy, turning to familiar comforts or resorting to compulsive behavior could be covering up denial, suffering, stagnation or heartache. Genuinely come to terms with the truth by confronting or forgiving your own role in whatever it is you regret so that you can let go, move on and become more open to romance. There is a safe harbor of support and security available to you, but you might need to seek it out. Recovery and healing are inner work and can begin only after there has been acknowledgement of the hurts that have occurred.

I am not where I am supposed to be. I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing. My life is God's and I'm not showing that. I wanted the marriage that was two people madly in love with God first, and eachother second. I wanted to be holding the hand of someone that I believed worshipped God and chose to make God a part of our lives. I wanted to be a witness, but I don't want to be one alone. I don't want to be alone. God, life is so short and I'm still running from You because I'm scared that I have to be alone.

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